Economic law

Mã ngành: 7380107

What is economic law?

Economic law is a field of study built on the foundation of jurisprudence, combined with knowledge of economics. In the context of a market economy, economic law is increasingly of interest to business entities to minimize risks and protect legitimate rights and interests when participating in business and commercial activities and when participating in business and commercial activities. a dispute occurred.

Economic law has been and will be an inevitable trend now and in the future, the industry provides high quality legal human resources for the country’s industrialization, modernization and world integration needs.

Training goals

Training goals

The Economic Law major trains graduates with political qualities, ethics, and good health; have basic knowledge of socio-economics; have background knowledge of law and in-depth knowledge of economic law; Have legal thinking, independence, creativity, research ability and basic professional practice skills.

The Economic Law sector aims to train quality human resources with in-depth knowledge of economic and commercial law for agencies, organizations and businesses; Have the capacity for autonomy, self-responsibility and entrepreneurial spirit to develop and apply economic laws, adapt well to the working environment and meet the needs of international integration.

The distinct advantage of the Economic Law major at Yersin Uni

The university study time is shortened to 3 years

The university study time is shortened to 3 years

Business semester

Business semester

Strong professional capacity

Strong professional capacity

100% of students are guaranteed job placement

100% of students are guaranteed job placement

Creative innovation

Creative innovation

Happy University

Happy University

Yersin Uni trains

Yersin Uni trains "Global Citizens"

Career prospects

Career prospects

Currently, our country’s economy is on the rise with prosperity of companies, businesses, and multinational corporations. More than ever, legal corridors and economic policy issues need to be kept confidential. Accordingly, Economic Law becomes an indispensable industry in modern society.

According to information from the Ministry of Justice, from now until 2020, it is estimated that for judicial-related positions alone, Vietnam will need about 13,000 personnel, 2,000 notaries, 3,000 executors… and other numbers. This will continue to increase in the coming period. Therefore, Economic Law is classified as one of the “hot” industries of the country.

Students after graduating from Economic Law from Yersin University of Dalat can work in positions such as:

  • Group 1: Have the ability and opportunity to work in law-practicing organizations and businesses such as lawyers, consultants in companies, law offices, notary offices at home and abroad; Legal experts, legal consultants in companies and businesses that require the use of human resources with expertise in the field of law; Legal assistant for business directors.
  • Group 2: Working in state agencies, including judicial agencies such as: Courts, Procuracy, judgment enforcement agencies, investigation agencies… and other state agencies from central to central. local; Work at Party agencies and other socio-political organizations.
  • Group 3: Working at non-governmental organizations, intergovernmental organizations or other international organizations.
  • Group 4: Teaching and research at law research or training facilities, political centers, training institutes, colleges, and law training intermediate schools.
  • Group 5: Participate in business activities and economic management as an independent practitioner, business owner or startup project.

Ability to study and improve qualifications after graduation:

  • Have the ability to self-update legal knowledge, in-depth research capacity, and cultivate professional expertise in practical work.
  • Have enough knowledge and ability to continue studying professional training programs or professional training programs such as lawyer, notary, bailiff, auctioneer, consultant…
  • Have enough knowledge and ability to continue studying at postgraduate levels.

Education program

  • The Economic Law training program is designed for undergraduate students, with a total program credit of 131 credits, a study period of 3 years, represented by 9 semesters.
  • The program is arranged with 3 blocks of knowledge from general, industry foundations and specialized knowledge, aiming to train students with in-depth knowledge of economic and commercial law.
  • After completing the course, learners can apply the knowledge they have learned into practice to develop their careers; Be equipped with the necessary skills with the right attitude to develop yourself and be responsible for contributing to the development of society.
Education program
Economic law
Education program

Admission method

Method 1

Admission by Academic Transcript 2024 (According to Average Score Combination of 3 Semesters)

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Method 2

Admission by 2024 Transcript (According to Average Grade 12 Score)

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Method 3

Admission by 2024 Transcript (Based on Combination of 3 Grade 12 Subjects)

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Method 4

Admission Based on Competency Assessment Test Score 2024

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