
Mã ngành: 7580101

What is architecture?

Architecture is a unique field of study between the fields of art and technical science related to the design and construction of architectural works, from small civil works to large public works. Architecture not only focuses on creating buildings with appropriate functions and aesthetic properties, but also must ensure sustainability, safety, and economic efficiency.

Architecture is the organization of space arrangement based on the requirements of the design object. So architectural design is a synthesis of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary thinking from social issues such as culture, history, people… to scientific and technical issues such as structure, energy, and environment. … From there, it gives students an objective, multi-dimensional view of the fields in applying creativity to design proposals for works that serve human life. That is the most basic foundation for students to have high career opportunities in many different fields of work in the field of design.

Training goals

Training goals

The training goal of the Faculty of Architecture & Industrial Fine Arts – Yersin University of Dalat is aimed at architects with professional knowledge, creativity, technical understanding, and professional ethical qualities to meet the needs of the students. society’s needs

To train graduate Architects to meet the needs of society, students after graduation are fully equipped with knowledge and skills to use design software such as Autocad, SketchUp…, drawing and presentation skills; skills to analyze, synthesize information and apply science and technology.

The distinct advantage of Architecture at Yersin unU

The university study time is shortened to 4 years

The university study time is shortened to 4 years

Business semester

Business semester

100% of students are guaranteed job placement

100% of students are guaranteed job placement

Creative innovation

Creative innovation

Training using innovative methods researched and developed based on training programs of European schools

Training using innovative methods researched and developed based on training programs of European schools

Studio model (Design workshop)

Studio model (Design workshop)

Happy University

Happy University

Career prospects

Career prospects

Access your career early right from school (internship and practice at experienced architectural firms), be able to design and support the design of simple projects yourself

Flexibly meet many different job practice positions (design, supervision, construction, management…) in architecture and construction majors (interior, landscape, urban… .)

Multi-purpose professional activities such as teaching and research, coordination and chairing, administration and comprehensive management of design and construction work

Diverse environment, job opportunities (state agencies, private enterprises, foreign joint ventures…) and freedom (individual activities, self-establishment of businesses…)

Good and stable income (starting ≥ 10 million VND/month), guaranteed life and many career development opportunities

  • Architects holding architectural design and technical design positions: Starting salary from 10-12 million VND/month.
  • Architects working for foreign enterprises in Vietnam earn 800-1,000 USD/month
  • Architects with over 5 years of experience in high management positions: Ideal salary from 30 – 45 million VND/month.

A panorama shows that architecture is a profession with high requirements in terms of professional qualifications, design thinking, sense of responsibility and even qualifications. This is also a profession with long-term prospects that is difficult to replace and that continues to develop continuously because the number of architectural works is increasing and the requirements are increasing to ensure strict standards of the whole. sustainable architecture. Along with the integration trend, Vietnamese architects will also have the opportunity to cooperate and work at many multinational architectural companies; Meet and learn from the experiences of many leading industry experts from Asia, Europe, America…

Graduating from Architecture at Yersin Dalat University, students can take on job positions such as:

  • Architects design civil and industrial projects…
  • Participate in planning projects.
  • Construction, surveying, construction management, projects, project estimates…
  • Participate in architectural research – planning and application of science and technology.

Education program

The training program of the Architecture industry closely follows the framework program as prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Training, combined with the actual situation. The 4-year training period includes 10 semesters of practical study, 1 semester of corporate internship and 1 semester of graduation project.

Education program
Basic Knowledge Block
Specialized Knowledge Block
Education program

Admission method

Method 1

Admission by Academic Transcript 2024 (According to Average Score Combination of 3 Semesters)

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Method 2

Admission by 2024 Transcript (According to Average Grade 12 Score)

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Method 3

Admission by 2024 Transcript (Based on Combination of 3 Grade 12 Subjects)

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Method 4

Admission Based on Competency Assessment Test Score 2024

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