“Education is the most powerful weapon that people can use to change the world” is the saying of the late leader and educator of South Africa – Nelson Mandela. This confirms the core role of education in training human resources for the development of countries around the world. That is also the mission that Yersin University of Dalat has determined: Training the young generation to become global citizens, capable of promoting creative capacity, entrepreneurial spirit and being responsible to society. festival.
Yersin Dalat University determines to take educational quality and prestige as the guideline in all activities. Based on the foundation of 4 quality pillars including: Curriculum – Care, Facilities, Human Resources and Connection, the school has affirmed the quality of human resource training for the locality and the whole country. In operation and management activities, Yersin Dalat University always aims for professionalism and transparency; The school’s staff always persistently practices three core values: Love – Respect – Responsibility. These are the things that create great confidence in the journey of implementing the mission that the school is pursuing.
These initial achievements are thanks to the dedication of the founders and investors; the attention of leaders at all levels; the persistent dedication of the staff and lecturers; students’ efforts; cooperation and active support of domestic and international businesses, sponsors, and partners; along with support from all walks of life… These are the great motivations that motivate succeeding generations in completing the task of training quality human resources for the community and society.
In the trend of the 4.0 industrial revolution, human resources only possessing solid professional knowledge is not enough. Learners must grasp the continuous change of trends and have flexible adjustments to suit the changing world. Yersin Dalat University understands this and is making efforts to innovate all aspects of the school’s activities to train students who meet the standards of “Global Citizens”, strong in theory and practice, and confident in foreign languages. , master skills ready for the digital era. We create an environment for students to experience a dynamic, practical learning environment, linked to the needs of businesses; Graduates from Yersin University of Dalat are ready to achieve success.
On the next stages of the journey, Yersin Dalat University continues to strive to become an ideal learning place for students, an ideal working place for officials and lecturers, and to become a quality training address. quality in Vietnam and towards the international level.