
Food Technology

Mã ngành: 7540101

What is the Food Technology industry?

Food technology is a science that includes a system of methods to transform raw materials on an industrial scale into products according to prescribed quality criteria. Includes the science of food ingredients, technological processes, production equipment, production organization and management.

In the system of producing and providing food for humans, the Food Technology industry participates in two important stages:

  • Stage 1: Reserve and preserve raw materials for industrial processing
  • Stage 2: Food processing on a large scale.
Training goals

Training goals

Training Bachelors of Food Technology with strong theoretical knowledge; know how to proficiently apply professional skills in research, processing, preservation, food quality management and new product development to serve socio-economic development requirements; work creatively and be able to adapt to diverse changes in work; Have a serious working attitude and professional ethics, be responsible to society, and meet the practical needs of the labor market and international integration.

Distinctive advantages of Yersin Uni Food Technology major

The university study time is shortened to 3 years

The university study time is shortened to 3 years

Business semester

Business semester

Semester abroad

Semester abroad

100% of students are guaranteed job placement

100% of students are guaranteed job placement

Creative innovation

Creative innovation

The training program is designed to be application-oriented, with a practice rate of up to 30%.

The training program is designed to be application-oriented, with a practice rate of up to 30%.

Happy University

Happy University

Yersin Uni trains

Yersin Uni trains "Global Citizens"

Career prospects

Career prospects

Food technology is ranked 2nd among the 3 leading industry groups in terms of human resource demand by 2025, promising to become a key economic sector of Vietnam in the near future.

In addition, Food Technology has been selected by the Government as one of the main industry groups prioritized for development in the period 2025, with a vision to 2035. Therefore, Food Technology is an attractive field of study with Job prospects are wide open at both domestic and foreign-invested enterprises.

Students after graduating from Food Technology can find job opportunities in the following positions:

  • Staff/managers of technical departments, production operations, food quality control, product research and development (R&D), project managers at domestic and foreign food processing companies and enterprises foreign.
  • Staff/managers of departments related to science and technology in state agencies and organizations.
  • Lecturers/researchers participate in teaching/research in the field of food technology at domestic and foreign universities/colleges and research institutes.
  • Be self-employed, develop food production facilities and businesses.
  • Researcher or laboratory manager of research institutes/universities related to food technology.

Education program

Studying Food Technology, students will be trained in general knowledge of: Social and natural sciences, English. Along with that is a body of knowledge about the basics of the food industry such as: Introduction to food technology, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, nutrition, scientific research methods, specialized English for food technology…

Furthermore, during the training process at the School, Food Industry students will have in-depth access to specialized knowledge such as: Food Processing Technology, Fermentation Technology, Food Additives, Food Law, Technology Food packaging technology, Food packaging technology, Food production management, Food technology major project, Graduation thesis… with more than 30% of study time being hands-on experience in the laboratory and businesses.

The training program includes:

Education program
General body of knowledge
Specialized educational knowledge block
Education program

Admission method

Method 1

Admission by Academic Transcript 2024 (According to Average Score Combination of 3 Semesters)

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Method 2

Admission by 2024 Transcript (According to Average Grade 12 Score)

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Method 3

Admission by 2024 Transcript (Based on Combination of 3 Grade 12 Subjects)

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Method 4

Admission Based on Competency Assessment Test Score 2024

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