Event management

Mã ngành: 7720101

What is Event Management?

Event Management is a major in the field of travel and tourism service management, a specialized field in service management and event organization, where event experts play an important role. in planning, implementing, monitoring, and handling situations in the implementation of all types of events from small to large, in many fields from tourism, sports, entertainment, culture,…

Event Management is a unique and dynamic field, people working in this industry are called event management professionals, they undertake important tasks to create unique experiences for participants. , from corporate customers to the wider community.

Training goals

Training goals

Overall objectives

The Event Management industry aims to train event management experts with extensive knowledge and professional skills to organize and execute events effectively. Develop creative, flexible, and cross-disciplinary professionals to meet the diverse and demanding needs of the industry.

Detail goal

  • Have good political ideology, legal knowledge, good moral qualities, high sense of discipline, responsibility, honesty, and love for the profession to meet job requirements well.
  • Have critical thinking, creative ability, ability to work in groups, confident in communication, use office information technology and English in professional work.
  • Grasp new trends and challenges in the industry to ensure flexibility and readiness to face fluctuations.
  • Able to take on positions from staff to management, administration,… at event organizing companies and units that organize events. Able to work at state management agencies in tourism, perform research well, and participate in teaching at tourism training establishments.
  • Know how to organize and manage event activities effectively, from planning to implementation and evaluation. Develop leadership skills to be able to shape and guide your team.
  • Ability to start a business, owner of businesses in the event field.

The distinct advantage of the Event Management major at yersin

The university study time is shortened to 3 years

The university study time is shortened to 3 years

Business semester

Business semester

Semester abroad

Semester abroad

100% of students are guaranteed job placement

100% of students are guaranteed job placement

Creative innovation

Creative innovation

Happy University

Happy University

Yersin Uni trains

Yersin Uni trains "Global Citizens"

Career prospects

Career prospects

In Vietnam, thousands of large and small events are held each year. However, according to industry experts, the demand for event organization is increasing but the ability to meet it in terms of human resources is limited. system, only about 8.3% of demand and human resource quality for this type of service are not guaranteed. Although the demand for professional human resources working in the event organization field is very high with competitive salaries, human resources in this industry are always in serious shortage. Therefore, Event Management students will have great advantages and high-income career opportunities after graduation.

In general, the salary of event organizers is quite high, depending on the role, experience and type of event being done. After working hard in the industry, with increased experience, the opportunity for advancement is quite high, and the manager’s salary will increase to a desirable number. In addition, event organizers can earn extra income by receiving overtime wages and per diems for each different event. After you have experience, your brand can receive planning or consulting on event organization to increase income.

Students graduating from Event Management at Yersin University of Dalat can take on many different positions such as:

  • Coordination staff for media and entertainment events, sports events, cultural events, thematic events, etc.
  • Staff planning, generating ideas, building scripts for events, and editing event programs.
  • Sales and event market development staff.
  • Personnel and administrative staff, logistics, PR and communications for events, backstage technical supervision,…
  • Take on management positions in event organizing companies.
  • Managing director of an event organization company.
  • Work at state management agencies on tourism.
  • Research and pursue higher education levels such as master’s and doctorate in tourism.
  • Teaching at universities, colleges, intermediate schools, vocational training centers with tourism training.
  • Work in event-related fields.

Education program

Being updated…

Education program
Event management
Education program

Admission method

Method 1

Admission by Academic Transcript 2024 (According to Average Score Combination of 3 Semesters)

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Method 2

Admission by 2024 Transcript (According to Average Grade 12 Score)

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Method 3

Admission by 2024 Transcript (Based on Combination of 3 Grade 12 Subjects)

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Method 4

Admission Based on Competency Assessment Test Score 2024

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