Why choose Yersin Dalat University

At Yersin Uni, students will be able to immerse themselves and experience a dynamic, highly applicable educational environment; Students graduated from Yersin
Ready to achieve success and change the future. Choosing Yersin Dalat University, you are choosing distinct advantages:

3 years
  • It was the time of studying at Yersin University in Dalat
Business semester
  • From year I at more than 200 leading enterprises
  • 100% of students are offered jobs
Semester abroad
  • Experience “Semester Abroad
  • Students are trained with the goal of becoming “Global Citizens”
Happy University
  • Green, clean, beautiful, safe, modern
  • Teachers are always ready to advise and support students
  • Always leading the national student movements: Student Champion 2012, Student Runner-up 2020-2021,…
  • 14 clubs to support learning and training
  • Top 4 most beautiful uniforms in Vietnam
  • Yersin’s Hub: One-stop procedure

Tuition policy and incentives

  • 50% reduction in tuition fees for international students studying at the School
  • Free accommodation in City Student Dormitory. Dalat full course (6 students/room)
  • The school connects with the Vietnam – Laos Friendship Association to support students: Language learning, cultural understanding and other support…
  • Average tuition is about 10 million VND/semester (depending on major)
100 %

Students are committed job introduction

96 %

Students have jobs
right after graduation

6 %

Alumni do
leadership, management

2 %

Entrepreneurial students


Graduted student

Core training values ​​- Educational philosophy

Core training values

  • ASK
  • Ready for the 4.0 era

Educational philosophy

  • UNESCO’s 4 pillars of education

Yersin and the differences

Students experience "Enterprise Semester" right from the first year
Students won first prize at the Lam Dong Province Creative Ideas Contest and participated in starting a business
Always leading the national student movements: SV 2012 Champion, SV Regional Second Prize 2016, SV National Final Runner-up 2020-2021...
Students experience a foreign "Internship Semester" in Japan, receiving a salary
Students join the Yersin Wind Shadow Dance Club
The learning environment is dynamic and linked to practice

Subjects and Admission Conditions

Admission of Lao PDR candidates who have graduated from high school in 2022 or before or will graduate in 2023.

Phase 1
Before June 30, 2024
Phase 2
Before July 30, 2024
Phase 3
Before August 30, 2024
Phase 4
Before December 31, 2024

Contact Info